Fiber Internet: Why It's The Future Of Connectivity

14 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Fiber internet connections are becoming more common across the country. This type of Internet connection is more efficient, reliable, and faster when compared to other options, such as the Internet from your cable provider that travels over a copper wire. Here are some of the reasons why fiber Internet is the future of Internet connectivity. 


A huge benefit of using fiber Internet is the speed that it offers. While most fiber Internet providers cap speed at around 1 gigabit per second, fiber is theoretically capable of transferring data at 44 terabytes per second. This is much faster than anything that can be offered over a copper write, which needs to bond multiple wires together in order to provide the slower speeds they are known for. Faster speeds mean that you can download files faster, stream video in 4K quality, and use more devices at once without slowdown. 


One of the problems with traditional Internet connections over copper wire is that they are not reliable. Copper is more prone to interference, which can cause disruptions, disconnections, and slow speeds. This is not a problem with fiber Internet, which is immune to the same type of interference. The connection ends up being more stable, which is great for homes and businesses.


Fiber Internet has a greater capacity than copper wire Internet connection, which is due to how the same cable can handle data transfers in both directions. Copper Internet connections require bonded channels that handle the downloading and a separate set of bonded channels for uploading. These cables cannot switch between uploading and downloading based on demand, which limits the overall capacity. This is why you often see copper cable-based Internet providers with much slower upload speeds than download speeds because the capacity is dedicated to downloading speeds. 

Competitive Pricing

The cost of fiber Internet has decreased drastically over the years. What was once a luxury service for those that could afford it is now a practical option for anyone that the service is available to. If you are looking to enjoy any of the benefits of fiber Internet, know that any cost difference is certainly worth the price. While you may be able to save money with a copper cable-based Internet provider, you often will receive service that performs poorly in comparison.

Think fiber Internet is the right solution for you? Reach out to a home fiber internet provider in your area for more information.
